Spring Ahead

We get to turn our clocks ahead tonight. It will be nice to start seeing the days get longer. It has been a long, cold and snowy winter this year. I’m praying for more sunshine so the snow and ice will start melting. The changing of the seasons is wonderful. Spring is almost here, it will be great to see the new buds on the trees and green grass. The promise of warmer days. The summer is my favorite season, with a lot of sunshine and longer days. Fall is pretty to see when the leaves change colors. Winter, well, all I can say is it is cold and I look forward to warmer days. If I moved to a state where it was warm all the time,I would probably miss the change of seasons, so I am not going to complain. God is a wonderful creator and only He could have orchestrated such a variety of changes in nature. He is awesome.

I hope you enjoy your day,and may God bless all that you pursue today.

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